ELS for School of Business Appointment Calendar

Book an appointment

Select an ELS instructor’s schedule in the calendar below and choose an appointment time slot.

Note: It’s important for students to fill in their email addresses and phone numbers accurately so that ELS can contact you. Please use your student email: yourname@my.capilanou.ca.

What’s next?

You will receive 2 emails when making an in-person appointment (A & B below) and 3 emails (A, B & C below) when making an online support appointment.

A) Appointment Confirmation Email: If you need to cancel your session, please use the link provided. B) ELS Instructor Email: An ELS instructor will contact you before your appointment and request a digital copy of your assignment and the instructions.

C) MS Teams Notification Email: You will receive a notification that your ELS instructor has created a private MS Team (online video conferencing) for you to use for ELS sessions.

  • Click the “Open Microsoft Teams” Button;
  • Click “Accept”;
  • Open MS Teams in Webapp OR download the MS Teams app;
  • Use your Capilano email information to log in;
  • Your meeting will take place here at the scheduled time. Note: It’s important for students to fill in their email addresses and phone numbers accurately so that ELS can contact you.

Please allow a few minutes for the email to arrive. If you do not receive an email from us, first check any spam filters, then contact els@capilanou.ca to confirm your appointment.